English for economy and management (1) --- Introduction ---

This module is made up of 3 articles, with a set of about 10 exercises each, representing a total of 32 exercises.
It could interest English teachers and anyone working on societal issues with their students.

The articles presented here are:

Fleet Street 01 - facts

Fleet Street 02 - True False

Fleet Street 03 - People and Roles

Fleet Street 04 - Keywords

Fleet Street 05 - Collocations

Fleet Street 06 - Prepositions

Fleet Street 07 - Connectors

Fleet Street 08 - Phrasal Verbs

Fleet Street 09 - Verb Tense and Form

Fleet Street 10 - Passive Voice

Fleet Street 11 - Comprehension Quiz

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Gig Economy 01 - Definition

Gig Economy 02 - True False

Gig Economy 03 - Vocabulary

Gig Economy 04 - Antonyms

Gig Economy 05 - Sentence building

Gig Economy 06 - Vocabulary

Gig Economy 07 - VerbPrep Collocations

Gig Economy 08 - Passive Voice

Gig Economy 09 - Listening Comprehension

Gig Economy 10 - Comprehension Quiz

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A Price to Pay 01 - Listening Comprehension

A Price to Pay 02 - True False

A Price to Pay 03 - Matching

A Price to Pay 04 - Key Words

A Price to Pay 05 - Verbs

A Price to Pay 06 - Vocabulary

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a a a -

A Price to Pay 07 - Prepositions

A Price to Pay 08 - Verb Tense and Form

A Price to Pay 09 - Passive Voice

A Price to Pay 10 - Sentence Re-ordering

A Price to Pay 11 - Comprehension Quiz

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a a a -
The most recent version

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  • Description: 3 articles, with a set of about 10 various exercises each (listening comprehension, vocabulary, preposition, passive voice...). serveur web interactif avec des cours en ligne, des exercices interactifs en sciences et langues pour l'enseigment primaire, secondaire et universitaire, des calculatrices et traceurs en ligne
  • Keywords: math, interactif, exercice,qcm,cours,classe,biologie,chimie,langue,interactive mathematics, interactive math, server side interactivity,exercise,qcm,class, english, economics,, corporate social responsibility, working conditions, exploitation, globalization, sweat shops, press, journalism, recession, crisis, competition, digital press, Internet, millennials, employment, sharing economy, P2P, peer-to-peer, working conditions, business_english